Sunday, February 28, 2016


Evo, nemam ništa pametnije za raditi u ove kasne nedjeljne sate a ne spava mi se još pa da napišem nešto vezano za izvještaj sa koncerta u Sisku koji se dogodio pred prošlog vikenda a dotični izvještaj možete pročitati ovdje:

Malo me i prehlada rastura što je zanimljivo jer sam posljednji put bio bolestan prije tri godine kad sam zadnji put svirao u Sisku, da li je to slučajnost ili ne, ne znam ali znam da sam se dobro nasmijao kad sam čitao izvještaj koncerta sa bloga. Inače me ne pogađa kad se nekome ne svidi band u kojem sviram pa me ni ovaj put ne dira to što je napisano, niti pišem ovo prepucavanja radi (prošla su ta vremena prepucavanja preko fanzina i blogova J), ali jebiga, volim reći i napisati svoje mišljenje, pa ako već radim jebeni blog, zašto ne bih reagirao? Prije nego nastavim bi naglasio da mi se jebe za one spike oko objektivnog i subjektivnog gledanja na stvari, kakva mrtva objektivnost, pišem ono što mislim i naravno da je to poprilično subjektivno mišljenje jer je automatski moje, kuiš stari/a!?!

Krenut ću sa reakcijom na kritiku da Rules pokušava zvučati kao Black Flag, ali smo samo blijeda kopija istih i da smo poprilično ne originalni. Koja jebeno mrtva originalnost!?! Mi sigurno ne pokušavamo biti originalni pa mi nije baš jasno na što se tu ciljalo a bome ni ne pokušavamo zvučati kao Black Flag niti mislim da tako zvučimo. Ja bi mogao nabrojati brdo drugih hc/punk bandova koje prepoznajem u našim pjesmama (uh, kako ne originalno, ajme!), no, što očekivati od nekoga tko očigledno nije naslušan hc/punk muzike, već vjerojatno nekog modernog metal smeća koji se prodaje pod hardcore. Također, ako već ideš sa kritikom oko ne originalnosti, nemoj onda svirati u naj kliše ne originalnom grindcore bandu, pošto autor teksta svira u Lyon Sonny, bandu koji su nastupali tu večer u Sisku i band je sve samo ne originalan. Što se tiče kritike da je vokal imao pre agresivan nastup i da bi trebao razumjeti kad je „publika“ ne raspoložena, jebiga, ako ne možeš podnijeti da te vokal hardcore banda malo gurne ili se zabije u tebe, nemoj dolaziti na hc/punk koncerte. Ovo ne govorim u smislu kako je hardcore opaka muzika namijenjena samo za opake mačo frajere, već u tom smislu da u hc/punk muzici postoji ta sloboda da se možeš izraziti sa bandom kako želiš i da ispustiš pozitivnu i negativnu energiju na svoj način. Pa, ako se ponekad na hc/punk gigu netko iz nekog banda zabije u tebe, nemoj dramiti i prihvati to kao dio bandovske energije ili scenskog nastupa ili što već.

Prebaciti ću se na spiku oko očekivanja što se ponavlja par puta u dotičnom izvještaju a vezano je za bandove, u smislu, autor teksta sve nešto očekuje od bandova u budućnosti, da budu bolji ili da održe status kojeg su već stekli sa svojim svirkama. Ili sam ja nešto krivo protumačio? Uglavnom, koga boli kurac za tvoja očekivanja, tj. ljude u bandovima u kojima ja sviram definitivno boli neka stvar za to što netko očekuje od naših bandova. Mislim, što možeš uopće očekivati od Ugly Fucks, osim da se raspadnemo, to je jedino što možeš očekivati, haha! Ili ne znam, Rules… Ne, neće vokal idući puta biti pristojniji, bit će vjerojatno još gori, uuuuuu! Niti ćemo biti „originalni“. Jer da želimo biti originalni, svirali bi fuziju acid jazz-a provučenog kroz filter sirovog black metala pomiješanog sa daškom teksaškog stonera.   

Što se tiče donacija za gig tj. troškove… Ako već radiš gigove u prostoru poput Skwhat-a u Sisku, onda piši projekte preko NGO udruga i izmuzi neke pare iz toga, pa ćeš imati i novce za bandove. Ili sjedni na upad i objasni svakome tko želi ući da donira barem 15, 20 kuna a ne ono, napiše se da je ulaz besplatan i kao, očekuje se da će ekipa dati neke pare iako znaš da neće i da nisu tamo jer ih zanima baš previše hc/punk muzika već im je to prilika da izađu negdje gdje ne moraju platiti upad i još gledaju neke lude bandove koji će ih zabaviti na tih par sati.

Netko bi mogao reći da jebiga, ekipa koja je radila ovaj koncert, mladi su, naučiti će. Možda… Pa, pošto se sigurno služe internetom, toplo im preporučam da po internetu istraže malo više o hardcore punk-u a također im preporučam da pročitaju i neke hc/punk fanzine i knjige. A slobodno mogu i pitati nekog iskusnijeg. Pa da onda idući put naprave koncert kako spada i da ne uspoređuju neki band sa Black Flag-om samo zato jer vokal ima tetovažu Black Flag logo-a na ramenu.


Saturday, February 27, 2016

Thursday, February 25, 2016


This video just popped out on youtube, so I thought that it would be appropriate to write something about the video and the whole show Vaseline Children played in Danguba club, Belgrade, Serbia on December 16th 2007. On video there are 3 last songs from the Vaseline Children set and that was also the end of the show because Vaseline Children played last. The songs on the video are: Well…, Don´t Pray & Never Gonna Shut Up. For all of you who don´t understand Croatian or Serbian, that´s too bad because it is very interesting and funny to watch Zhbla and Cane talking some funny shit between the songs (they even adopt a Serbian accent for this show, hahah!). Other bands that played that night were: Path Of Decay (Belgrade), Home Sick Home (Belgrade), Lets Grow (Belgrade) and Mladina Kina (Dravograd, Slovenia). For this show, Mladina Kina guys dressed themselves as Vaseline Children, haha. That was also hilarious. The show was pretty cool, very good, energetic and friendly atmosphere with lots of people in the club dancing, circle piting, singaloning and stage diving. That was at least until Vaseline Children hit the stage when the good mood turned to a crappy mood because supposedly some well known nazi figures from Belgrade entered the club. To this day, I still can´t tell what was all the fuss about that and why should 150 people be afraid of 3 sketchy dudes is beyond me. But nevertheless, there weren´t any incidents and we played our set. Too bad that the good mood was down because we were pretty tight and played a good set. Except for the show, I remeber that whole weekend as a great hanging out with lots of friends, from driving in train with Mladina kina guys and some more friends who went with us to having a great talks and fun with our friends from Serbia, mostly Trifunović bros from The Truth Of XXX. Again, a time we´ll remember. Enjoy in video.

The Snake

Tuesday, February 23, 2016


 VASELINE CHILDREN in Kino, Dravograd, Feburary 10th, 2007.

This post will be about short Vaseline Children set of mostly covers that VC played nine years ago, on February 10th, 2007 in Dravograd, Slovenia. This show was in Kino, which was a great place for DIY hc/punk shows that was run by guys from Mladina Kina band. On that show other bands that played besides Vaseline Children were: Samouprava, Second Hand Emotions, Bojlers, Growing Rats, Final Approach, Mladina Kina & Theysuck! All bands were from Slovenia except Theysuck! and Vaseline Children, of course. This show was also the first show that happened in Kino and the last show of Theysuck! where I sang at the time. Some bands played only few songs because they were rather new then and some bands played their regular sets. Vaseline Children weren´t supposed to play orginally on this show, but since there were three of VC members there and some people wanted us to do some songs, we did it without a bass player who wasn´t present on the show. The result was these 7 songs: two VC originals (Wrong Time, Wrong Place & Nothing To Give) and five covers: Attitude (Bad Brains), Nervous Breakdown (Black Flag), Deny Everything (Circle Jerks), Play To Destroy (Tear It Up) & I Broke The Edge, So What (Fx Px Ox). There was also a tape release of this show on Kino Records, called: Live in Kino (although not all the bands from the said show were on the tape). This show was just the beginning of many great shows and wild & crazy hc/punk parties that I experienced and shared in Kino/Dravograd with many dear people who were into the same shit as I were at the time. I´m glad that I was there and that I was part of it, it was definitely a time we´ll remember!

The Snake

                VASELINE CHILDREN in Kino, Dravograd, Feburary 10th, 2007.

Monday, February 22, 2016


Roko & Šime are the proof that this past weekend was a blast

I´ve had a great weekend, playing with Rules and Ugly Fucks in Sisak on February 19th and with Rules in Duga Resa on February 20th. Sisak show was interesting from not getting any food or drinks to some techical difficulties like Iceman breaking up the mic, me breaking up my drum pedal beater in the beginning of Ugly Fucks set and also breaking a bass string on the very beginning of the Rules set. The show was actually pretty good, Ugly Fucks and Left To Starve both ripped, Rules set was OK and Lyon Sonny from Sisak played solid set. But, kids in Sisak should learn more about what is a DIY hardcore punk show. It is not enough just to write DIY hc/punk slogans on facebook event, so if you are doing the hardcore punk show, do it right and cook some fucking food for the bands, don´t obey to every fucking stupid rule of the club where you are doing the show and try to collect enough money for travelling expenses. That being said, Duga Resa show was total opposite of Sisak show, it was more of a DIY approach and organization and the atmosphere was also more intimate. The place where the show was used to be some night club but since it got closed, local kids made indoor skate park inside and now also a place for DIY shows. Anyway, Rules played a solid show, not exciting like the night before but it was OK. Mališa Bahat played next, they are rather new band  from  Varaždin and Koprivnica with members from some now defunct bands like What Matters Most, Life In Peril and Destrukcija Stvarnosti. Mališa Bahat played cool and short set and their sound is influenced by 90´s screamo, but more on the melodic side than chaotic one. They were pretty good. The Seeker from Milano, Italy played last and their set was energetic and furious. The Seeker play fast hardcore punk with screaming vocals and some power violence parts. As I´ve said, their set was fucking furious and the atmosphere was pretty wild and energetic, it was a fun show. It was a cool weekend with more cool shows coming soon!

The Snake








Tuesday, February 16, 2016


Oh shit, 4 posts in 4 days in a row, what the fuck is happening? All of these covers compilations got me thinking about covers that were played by some of the bands where I´ve played. So here is the list of covers played by some of my bands. I didn´t include every single band or project where I´ve played but only few bands that I think are worth mentioning. Also, I didn´t include Fx Px Ox here, because I´ve only played with them for a very short time and during that time we didn´t play any covers if I remember right. But Fx Px Ox played and recorded a bunch of covers. Oh yeah, I also performed live few times some covers as a guest with some other bands which was always fun. So, here it goes!

THEYSUCK! (1998. – 2007.)

The thing with Theysuck! is that for the first few years, the band was consisted of only two members who liked to play hc/punk inspired by early 80´s and to record bunch of songs on tape recorder without intention of playing live. Theysuck! started to play regulary live shows in last few years of the bands existence. So, lots of the covers we did, were never played live but they were all recorded on rehearsals and some of those rehearsals were released on tapes. Maybe there were even some more covers than those listed but these are the ones I remember.  

I´m Not A Loser (Descendents)
Parents (Descendents)
All (Descendents)
Rockstar (Descendents)
No FB (Descendents)
I Like Food (Descendents)
Talk Is Cheap (Bold)
Closet Punk (D. R. I.)
Acid Casualty (Koro)
I Don´t Care (Hated Youth) – Also played live many times
Fuck Authority (Raw Power) – Played live few times

LASTING VALUES (2000. – 2005.)

Friend Or Foe (Agnostic Front) – Also record in studio and played live a lot in the first period oft he band
That´ll Never Be Me (Battery) – Played live a lot in the first period of the band
Violent Pacification (D. R. I.) – Also recorded in studio and played live a lot except that one time when we played with D. R. I., haha!

EQUAL (2001. – 2003.)

Can´t Close My Eyes (Youth Of Today)
Also recorded in studio and I think it is the only cover we ever did. We didn´t play many shows though but when we played this cover, we always switched on instruments and I sang it.

VASELINE CHILDREN (2005. – 2008.)

Can´t Tell No One (Negative Approach) – Played live few times on early shows
Depression (Black Flag) – Same as previous cover
Rise Above (Black Flag) – Only played live few times
Nervous Breakdown (Black Flag) – Also recorded in studio and played live bunch of times
Deny Everything (Circle Jerks) – Also recorded in studio and played live many times
Wasted (Circle Jerks) – Played live only two or three times.
Beverly Hills (Circle Jerks) – Played live or should I say improvised only once, very poorly, haha
Bilbord Revolucija (Fx Px Ox) – Also recorded in studio and played live many times in the first period of the band
Go Skršiv Strejtot, Pa Što? (Fx Px Ox) – Also recorded in studio and played live many times
Bottled Violence (Minor Threat) – Played live quite few times
Attitude (Bad Brains) – Played live many times
Play To Destroy (Tear It Up) – Played live on most of our shows, haha
Through Being Cute (Tear It Up) – Played live few times
I Don´t Care That I´m Falling apart (Tear It Up) – Played live only few times on our last tour
Flame Still Burns (Youth Of Today) – Played live at least dozen times
Use Your Head (Uniform Choice) – Same as above
Boiling Point (S. S. D.) – Played live few times in last period of the band
Police Truck (Dead Kennedys) – Played live only once in Berlin on our last tour and we did a hell of a great job
Never Gonna Stop (Theysuck!) – Originaly by Theysuck! so it was tehnically a cover even though I wrote it, but we basically considered it as VC song, recorded it in studio and played it live many times, including our last show

EVAZIJA (2006. – 2008.)

Poradi Ljubotov (Fx Px Ox) – Also recorded it in studio and played live many times

JUNK MESSIAH (2008. – 2012.)

Never Gonna Stop (Theysuck!/Vaseline Children) – Played it live quite a lot in the first period of the band
Don´t Talk To Me (GG Allin) – Played it live bunch of times
Come Get It (The Rites) – Also recorded it in studio and played it live bunch of times
Ubij Me (Fx Px Ox) – Played it live dozen times
Through Being Cute (Tear It Up) – Same as above

THE PATHETICS (2012. – 2014.)

Asesinos (Los Crudos) – Played it live only two or three times and once we did a total mess with it, haha

UGLY FUCKS (2012. – present)

Komaj Čakam (Mladina Kina) – Played it live bunch of times
Jer Tebi Je Punk... (Evazija) - Cover of an ex band that UF singer and I were in. Played it few times live. 
Poradi Ljubotov (Fx Px Ox) – Started playing it few months ago so we played it live only few times so far

THE TRUTH (2008. – present)

Can´t Close My Eyes (Youth Of Today) – Played it bunch of times and we are still playing it. Also when I wasn´t in the band and the band was called The Truth Of XXX, they recorded this song in the studio
Honesty (Youth Of Today) - I think that we played this cover only once live in Skopje, Macedonia on tour with Bosonogo Djetinjstvo in January of 2015.
Minor Threat (Minor Threat) – Played it live bunch of times and we are still playing it
Positive Hardcore, Positive Youth (Outlast) – Same as above
Beverly Hills (Circle Jerks) – Played it live few times

This is it. I still have lots of covers on my list  that I want to play in the future like more Tear It Up, The Rites, Straight Ahead and shit like that. OK, I´m calling a night.

The Snake

Monday, February 15, 2016


Here is the third part of HARDCORE FOR THE PUNX COVERS series. This time, 23 bands playing 26 of 80´s hc/punk classics. Download it and enjoy!

The Snake