Tuesday, November 4, 2014


I´ve said that I will post some more Tear It Up interviews, so here it is, the TIU interview from Violence # 2, Polish hc/punk/grind/ zine from 2000.´s. This issue came out in summer of 2001. even though I got it few years later. This was one of the first TIU interviews that I´ve ever saw, so you can imagine how happy I was when I got this, to see finally what these guys are all about. I don´t recall where I got the zine, probably from some Polish distribution on one of the Croatian hc/punk festivals. I also have issue # 3 of Violence zine and some later issue where the focus was more on metal/grind than hc/punk and cover of that issue is glossy in colour so it looks like a different zine comparing to the early issues. Anyway, the TIU view was done through the e-mail and Dave and Matt answered the questions. The questions are not the most original, but still, Dave and Matt gave some cool answers making it very interesting interview. The two photos from the interview were taken from the poster/lyrics sheet of Just Can´t Stand It 12˝ EP. The photo of TIU members playing a play station games is priceless. In this same issue of Violence zine, there was also a cool interview with Jon Collins, so I decided to put that interview too. In case you don´t know, Jon Collins ran Deadalive Records (later renamed into Manic Ride Records) in the 2000.´s and released some of the best hc/punk records from that decade like: Dead Nation, Tear It Up, E. T. A, The Rites, The Prowl, etc. Through this interview, he seems like a cool guy so check it out. That´s it, more TIU and other stuff on the blog is coming soon!
The Snake

Reviews of Tear It Up records from Violence zine # 2


  1. I hope that someday I'll be able to love someone/thing as much as you love TIU :D

  2. What? You don't love your girlfriend that much? Shame on you! :)

  3. Oh I do love her a lot, but I think your love for TIU is unmatchable:)
    Btw, if you're up for it, I think I'm ready for Emo or die vol 2 :))

  4. OK, then another emo compilation is coming your way!
